A good example of my work is the achievements of St. Clement’s school, who I have been working closely with over the past year.

This inspection report highlights the “outstanding progress” they’ve made – particularly for autistic pupils.

In 2014, inspectors visiting St. Clement’s school felt that the needs of pupils with autistic spectrum disorders were “not being well met”. The school needed to “Identify learning needs accurately and implement appropriate strategies to overcome barriers to learning, especially for children and young people with autism spectrum disorders.”

The 2015 report shows that now: “Children and young people now have much better learning experiences” and “Those with autism spectrum disorders feel less anxious as a result of the increased expertise of staff and more appropriate programmes of learning.”

This tremendous progress and the positive changes for autistic pupils are the result of the “excellent leadership provided by the headteacher” and of course the hard work of St. Clement’s staff who, in the words of the inspectors: “benefited from very effective external training and consultancy on autism.”

Please contact me if you or colleagues involved in workforce development and support services for the education sector would like to discuss how I can support your schools and teachers to make outstanding progress with autistic pupils.

I can also provide effective consultancy on autism and/or legal frameworks in the social care, health and criminal justice sectors.

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